Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another Week in Paradise

We can't believe that the time is going by so fast! Joan has come and gone - we had so much fun showing her around. I think she liked it. Now, we will be losing our friends Doug and Helen to the world of the cold and wet.
We went to a "Bull Fight" on the day of Carnival. They had a huge crowd for the Carnival Parade. It was great to watch all of the children and young people. Men dressed as women with balloons here and there (it seems to be a thing around this time of the year) chasing young boys mostly and throwing lots of flour or confetti. At times the air was white from all the flour and of course the boys all loved it. There is a story there but I can't remember it now. The Bull Fight was more like a rodeo. A man rode the big bull until he was thrown and men on horseback then roped the bull and led him back out. Of course, I think the bull was experienced in all of it and put on a good show. The men on the horses then showed off how their horses could "dance" to this raucous music which was played by a very enthusiastic bunch of young men. The people loved it and a group of macho men had a party going near us with a tray of lime, tequila and beer. All kinds of food was offered including a lot of very healthy fruits and vegetables and nuts. Everyone had a wonderful time.

Helen and Doug found a cooking class for us. It was conducted by the chef of OleOla - Herb Hazen, who just happens to be from Seattle. We cooked some delicious beans, chicken and shrimp, a catalon pizza - um um good, and a custard. We had lots of wine while we "helped" and then we ate what we cooked. It was a hard day so Pete and I walked home for some well deserved rest.

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