Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This is a photo of part of our garden.
We are sitting in the garden on another beautiful day. Birds are seranading us with songs. Afternoons, when it gets the warmest, the garden is the place to be- reading and talking.
This morning Pete went to the gym and worked out. Then we went to breakfast at a lovely little hotel with a garden room in the middle. The food was great and we met the owner who is from Pennsylvania and very charming.
I stopped by a salon and got a hair cut. Badly needed. The square was filled today with many older gentlemen sitting on benches. They all looked as if they were having a relaxed day. Everyone, Mexican and Gringos, are very friendly. Everyone has been negatively effected by the bad stories about the violence in Mexico. Of course, it is not here, there is no reason for the narcos to come to this "retired community". We feel we are perfectly safe here.

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