Saturday, January 26, 2013


Here I am sitting in the shade with sun all around watching for two old guys get in the ocean. The waves are crashing on the shore but the tide is low. There they go, two really white guys ready to get all wet. I watch them as they confer about the temperature of the water, the size of the waves or whatever it is they and converse about. Sometimes it is pure nonsense they enjoy.

Overhead there is a person being towed by a boat and is flying high in the air in a multi-colored parachute.

Now the two old white guys are slowly making their way out to the waves. The water is not up to their knees yet unless a small wave comes along. Oh, there comes a big one to jump over. It doesn’t seem as if the conversation has slowed down and the old guys still haven’t gotten their suits wet.

Wet now, they are becoming very brave, jumping and bobbing like young ones.

Small boys, young women and men walking along the shore selling the usual souvenirs.

Okay! Now they swim. I think they are having a great time. Good old buddies.. So far neither has tried to body surf which is ….okay with me. Now BIG waves are coming and the old guys ARE trying to body surf. Hope they don’t scrape something.

Pelicans skimming low over the blue water. Now , the waves are coming really big . The man with the hats - a dozen or more on his head - walks by.

Its been some time, I hope the guys don’t get overtired but - no - farther out they go. Yikes, I forgot the camera but they are too far away to get a good photo anyway. Why should I worry, neither is 80 yet.

Beautiful young women in bikinis fast walking along the beach. People in the shade under the palapas reading their Kindles.

The old guy who doesn’t hear is gesturing so we know he is still talking.

Another parachute guy flyes by. What a view that must be. Sun glistening like diamonds on the blue water.
Now I see the first seadoos going out. In the roar of the waves the motor of the machine is almost silent.

One old guy in yellow caught a good wave - maybe he didn’t loose his suit. Back out he goes.

The beach is so beautiful long and clean. A lovely color against the water, waves and reflections . In the distance three small islands - in the foreground a rather large island of sand and hills and green.

That wave must have left some sand in the suit. Jumping and diving, the years don’t matter - these grey hairs are teenagers again.

Finally Steve and Pete come to shore, stimulated but not tired. Shower off the sand and come to join me in the sun.

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