Monday, September 15, 2014


I am haveing a difficult time this time doing anything on this blog.  I start and stop and have problems with inserting photos but here I go again trying to catch up. 

We had a very nice almost week in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Then traveled on to Alpine, Texas.  That trip was quite easy driving at a high speed.  Lots of desert scenery.  We found my cousin in Alpine and visited for a couple of hours.  It was so wonderful seeing her again after 55 years.  I don't think we would have recognized each other if we had been on some street but it was just a treat.  She and her husband have the ultimate cat - two - Maine Coon!!!  They are absolutely beautiful and I fell in love with them.  They are both very active in retirement.  He paints!  Really lovely compositions and brushwork.  She volunteers at museum and library and hospital and I am sure I couldn't keep up with her.
   We spent the night in Ft. Stockton, Texas and the next morning we left headed to San Antonio. Another easy, high speed trip.  Very good, quiet roads made the miles fly by.  Arrived after noon at Pete's sister's and brother in law's beautiful home.  The next morning we caravanned down to Padre Island stopping first for lunch at Joe's Crab Shack.  The rental house is gorgeous and in a beautiful spot.  The back door leads to the canal and T rented a boat today so we can explore the inner coast and see birds.  I think tonight we will use it to travel to the restaurant for dinner.  They are very hospitable and are showing us the sights.  Good thing too because we probably won't come this way again.  We love the beach and the birds.

Susan and Pete at Padre Island

1 comment:

Patricia said...

glad to see the blog up and running again. we'll miss you at bookclub this week. We're trying Elva's suggestion and will have some readings of the play. I'll try to take some photos to email you...