Monday, January 12, 2015


Today was a trip on Route 66. Not so good two lane old highway through the desert and into the  mountains. It brings back memories of how the highways were when we first drove across country in 1959.We visited a tourist town by the name of Oatman that was a mining town in 1906 - mining gold. After WWII it was pretty much mined out and the miners left the area leaving the burros that had carried the ore from the mine and hauled supplies. The burros decendants are walking around demanding hay which is sold in the very well preserved old buildings. Lots of smelly burro dung in the streets but those animals are endearing. Following children who have the hay - opening the bags themselves and being a bit of a nuisance with their friendliness. Of course, they are wild and so you have to be careful because they will bite and kick. Another beautiful day about 65 degrees and going to be a bit cooler tonight. We ate expensive bad food. And drove back to see the Oregon vs. Ohio State game.
I am really impressed by all of the landscaping along the streets, highways and all of the homes. They use all of the desert plants, rocks of all sizes and just make a great eco friendly area. There really is not a lot of grass so that means that the golf courses can use some. I’ll check that out tomorrow when we play.

Now we will root for the Ducks.


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