Sunday, February 15, 2015


We have been here for 4days surviving on Pete's Spanish and the wonderful good will of the people of this town. Not much English spoken here.
On Friday we walked ro the square. There was a large canopy set up with about 400 people seated under it. In the front were three very important people. In the front several rows there were probably 100 or more brides and grooms. Some attired with fancy wedding dresses and suits, others less dressed up BUT all of the women had white veils which were cAught up in their hair and trailed down mid back. All the same. Each couple was called up, given a paper and a gift and the crowd applauded. After, the mayor had cake A drink and music. There were old couples, really young couples (with children) and, of course, pregnant girls. These weddings are free and unlike those in the church they don't require the families to entertain.
Yesterday, we walked to the flower market and again to the square to see what was going on. We were too late to see the buff young men and women performing a Zumba routine but we were entertained by four young people doing Spanish dances. One dance with glasses balanced on the heads of the dancer. They were excellent but had a small audience.
We managed to find a lavanderia and will pick up tomorrow after our tour around the area towns which is gratis by the hotel.
Today,Sunday, the hotel has a buffet comida in the afternoon so we will see if this big meal brings more people to the hotel.
My Acer computer really has died now I think so no photos.

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