Sunday, March 1, 2015

PUERTO ESCONDIDO Another Day in Paradise

 A huge change in climate occurred as we left San Cristobal, in two hours of mostly downhill driving we went from 58 degrees to 96 degrees. We finally got to where it is HOT!  Puerto Escondido is at least ten or twenty times larger than it was 25 years ago during our first visit. Very touristy, with more than 95% of the vacationers being Mexican families. When we do see someone who looks like a U.S. tourist, they generally turn out to be speaking German, French, or Italian. Could it be that the massively disproportionate propaganda campaign about the danger of cartel violence has really scared off the Americans? We hope not. 

We ate at the hotel this morning then drove a ways into town, parked and walked to the beach.  There were many fishing boats and many families.  You can go sports fishing here but most interesting is when a fishing boat comes in.  They turn their outboards on full and head straight toward the beach.  They land about 10 feet up on the sand where they unload their nets of fish.  It was a good catch but I am not sure what kind they were.  A type of dorado I think.

Bought a cool blouse and walked to the car in the 10 o'clock heat.  Now we are very comfortable in our hotel lobby. 

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