Sunday, March 1, 2009

Music and Mexicans

Friday night we went with Helen and Doug to opening night of the Northern Lights 7th annual music festival. What beautiful music! Held in the "auditorio" in Ajijic, the acoustics were perfect, and at about 450 people the event was sold out. Organizers had brought together outstanding musicians from the UK, Canada, US and Mexico to form the best chamber orchestra you ever heard. During a 2 1/2 hour program my favorite was Los Cuatro Estaciones (The Four Seasons) by Astor Piazzolla. As a tribute to Vivaldi there are occasional echos of some of his melodies, but the work is mostly based on a tango/jazz combination that is irrresistable. We'll go back for more this week. Find out more at .

This was the first event that we have attended where it seemed that the entire audience was composed of Americans and Canadians. Ajijc is not like a seaside resort. Here the english-speaking community mixes well with the Mexicans. We have only found a few restaurants, loncherias, and fondas where the majority of diners are not Mexican. The same is true in the grocery stores and drug stores. Despite the numbers of Americans and Canadians who have made this area their home this is still a very Mexican town. All of the streets are cobblestone except for the main highway through town. Many of the Mexicans keep horses, and wherever you are you can often see and hear horses on the cobblestone streets. Of course ATVs, smart cars, vans and trucks are more common. There is always music being played, and several times every week there is some traditional activity--never fakey stuff for tourists, but always by and for the Mexican people who live here.

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