Saturday, August 28, 2010

An Entire Year and More Has Passed

I'm writing this after neglecting it for a year and more. Unfortunately, when we returned to Seattle in April 2009, we found out our son, Dan, had stage 4 lung cancer. We spent as much time with him as we could from April 2009 until May 2010 when he passed away. He was so courageous through all of the chemo, transfusions, pills, needles and pain. We miss him very much every day.
Tom spent almost every evening for at least the last six months with his brother and Karen. We are so proud of Tom. He has recently been doing a lot more with his art - stone sculpting. He has had an exhibit in May, in July was invited to exhibit a sculpture in an homage to Morris Graves. August, one of his sculptures won 2nd place in the Kenmore Art Exhibit. He has a sculpture he will exhibit in October in the Columbia City Art Exhibit. This is what he loves and he is finally getting to show his work.
Pete has continued with his Spanish conversation group which he thoroughly enjoys. The people in the group are all friends and very enjoyable. He works out at a gym which is within walking distance from home at least 4 days a week. Those guys are becoming friends also. He enjoys them and cares about seeing them - making exercise more enjoyable.
I played with the Jackson Jills Golf Group last summer and again this year. Last year, however, I didn't play very much so I now have a very high handicap but am getting a little better. I have been painting quite a bit. One experience I had was an experimental workshop. That was a blast and I did learn a lot about paint and supports and how things work together. Loved it.

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