Friday, April 25, 2014

At Sea and Katakolon, Greece

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Thursday at sea. Great day. No pressure. Sunny on deck. Pete and I walked three times around the deck for a walk of a little over a mile. Pete’s cold or allergy or whatever used up at least a box of Kleenex, then landed in his chest. But he seemed to feel okay. We had a very nice dinner at Teppanyaki, a Japanese restaurant, with the chef juggling eggs and slicing and dicing and entertaining us while he cooked our meal right in front of us. After dinner we played shuffleboard - first Joe and Michelle beat us - and then Helen and Doug beat us. Well, they had been playing all week and this was our first game. Friday, Greece. - Katakolon - We decided not to book an excursion. Near this town, is Olympia where the first games were held, but instead we ate a leisurely breakfast and walked ashore on our own. The town is so close to the port and to the ship. It is very small, like maybe Ketchikan, and when the cruise ships come in they are there to sell souveniers and coffee and lunch and whatever. Lovely people. We also visited an Museum of Ancient Greek Technology. Bought a postcard and stamp and sent it out to Christi. After our walk into and around town, we came aboard, ate lunch, walked around the ship. Tomorrow we visit Athens.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Wayne and I both got colds courtesy of our tiny granddaughter but after several days of sucking zinc tablets we're back to near normal (well, as normal as Wayne gets). We hope Pete is on the mend too.
Love hearing about your adventures and can picture where you are right now...