Monday, March 9, 2015


Finally able to get a photo in and I am not quite sure where this is.  Anyway it is a beautiful, colorful building.  We drove all the way from Acapulco to Uruapan.  The next day from Uruapan to Guadalajara.  It was an interesting drive.  One little town made wooden furniture.  one made guitars.  These were towns in the hill country with the traditional red and black signage that we saw in Pazcuaro and other places.  In one town the people were fixing their roads themselves and were asking cars for donations.  We gave.  Saw a cattle drive (small) with a man on horseback, a woman with a stick and 5 dogs. 

We arrived in Guadalajara at about 2 or so and were introduced to Steven and Cuquis' new baby (puppy).  His name is Colorado, he is 3 months old, he is a standard poodle, he is a red head and he is very smart and very cuddly and soft.  He already sits on command and comes to a whistle.  I wanted to dog nap him but he was carefully watched when we were getting ready to leave.

We had a wonderful visit with S & C as always but not often enough.  Cuquis told us , "No te preocupes" (don't worry) about our illegal situation.  Of course, I will call them if we run into trouble.  We love to visit with them.  Pete and Steven have such a running entertaining banter.  Cuquis is a wonderful generous hostess and shared Colorado with us-- no problem.

We left on Sunday.  At the most important point on our way to the highway, we were blocked for a foot race.  Took us and the GPS about 20 minutes to find a way around it but we did and made it all the way acroos the Tropic of Cancer to Culiacan.  On the way we saw a new BMW going about 110 mph passing us and then much later we saw a policecar having pulled the BMW over.  Still later the BMW blew by us again probably going even faster this time.  The roads were good.  We paid $958 pesos for tolls on that leg of the trip. 

Today, Monday, we drove from Culiacan to Hermosillo in about 7 and 1/2 hours.  Paid $425 pesos for tolls on some not so good roads but at least they were straight.  There were 3 military check points north of Los Moches.  On the border of most states there are also agriculture stops (zoosanitaria checks) and at one we had to give up our apple which was supposed to be our breakfast. 

We are staying tonight in a very nice motel and tomorrow we get to face the music.  Thanks for reading.  Leave a comment.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Happy to have you so close to home ... if being in another country is "close". Well, closer than you have been!