Saturday, September 20, 2014


Today (Sat. 20th) we left Tallahassee and drove again on the I10.  The long, long straight highway with tall pines, swampy areas and not too much traffic.  Not too many bill boards in this state but a few off to the side.  Nothing like the forests of billboards in LA. and MI.  Anyway it begins to rain again.  Really, really hard rain.  No see rain.  The rain in Seattle takes a back seat to most of the rain we have seen on this trip.  We have seen rain in every state from New Mexico to Florida.  I hope they appreciate it. 

Pete competed his goal!!!! He has completed the Interstate 10 from Los Angeles, California to Jacksonville, Florida. Yay!!!!

Ate in a local restaurant tonight.  I made the wrong choice today.  Oh well.  
Early on Bourbon Street Random Photo

1 comment:

patricia said...

Hot and sunny visiting my sis. Sorry about all your rain. Don't they know it's the last day of summer?