Saturday, September 27, 2014


We had driven so long on Friday that this am we were almost at our destination.  Cahokia Mounds, the largest prehistoric Indian city north of Mexico.  The mounds covered about 4000 acres and there were at least 120 mounds.  Farmers took down many but this site, which is a World Heritage Site, 

Monks Mound Cahokia

protects the central portion, about 70 mounds.  The largest is Monks Mound which reminds us so much of the Teotihuacan in Mexico is pictured here.  The area was first settled in about AD 700 and from AD 800 - 1000 the culture was highly structured and complex.  Corn, at first, was grown for food then for trade from this area down the Mississippi.

The mounds were built by hand over many years and are ceremonial, homes for elite and burial mounds.

About 20,0000 people may have lived here in the hay day. It was a bigger city than London at one time. Around the year AD1200 the population began to decline and eventually (1300's) the city and surrounding population was almost abandoned. It may have been over population,climate change, war, either from outside or inside, or a number of other conditions all leading to the demise.

Yes, we enjoyed it thoroughly. Walked over the beautiful parklike area, saw wild turkeys and lots of birds. The Museum has wonderful educational exhibits and is extremely interesting and well done. So we started at 8:45 and stayed until 11:45. Then again took off , this time thru Missouri. Pete says he could write a tale about Missouri drivers. The highway was extremely congested for the first 70 miles or so but after a while it was okay. Lots of trucks. Drivers who hang out in the left lane enticing other drivers to tailgate closer than I have ever seen.
Anyway, here we are now in Sweet Springs, Missouri where the catfish was good and the people friendly. Tomorrow is another day full of surprises.

1 comment:

Patricia Hall said...

I'd love to learn more about these mounds ... sound fascinating. Am enjoying traveling with you...