Saturday, January 24, 2009

Living in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico in January 2009

We are enjoying the mild weather and the wonderful scenery and great food of Ajiic. We have met people from many states and from Canada. All escaping the cold weather. Our "casita" is very nice and convenient to the little town and to the lake. This week we have visited Guadalajara and Tlaquepaque (a beautiful artsy town) on Sunday when all of the tourists from the city visit too. During this time a thief (probably an inside job) stole Steve's Nissan Z car and some other stuff from his house in Ajijic. This is his first burglary in 6 years here. Anyway, he dealt with the police and insurance etc on Monday and we house sat and TV watched on Tues while he followed up on paper work.. The police came soon after he left and they had found his car and wanted Pete to come with them to identify it. I did not have my camera ready to take a photo of Pete being taken away by the police. Too Bad. He made it back okay. One of the police had lived in Renton.

We have taken a bus tour around the lake (Lake Chapala) thru all of the very little no gringo towns and learned a lot of history of the area. Of course we visited churches and city halls and we saw pelicans on the lake by the hundreds near a very very small fishing village. Yesterday, Fri, we attended a reading of a play by the Lake Chapala Society members and tonight we will go to a musical production. Lots of things to do each day. Next week we look into classes. I'll try to attach a picture of something.

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