Thursday, January 29, 2009

Money, cars and other info

We have found that "Effectivo" or cash is almost the only way to pay here in Ajijic. The dentist took American Express but otherwise checks, credit cards or travelers check are not accepted. The dollar has gone up from about 10 to 1 to about 14 to 1 so it is pretty simple to keep track.

We also learned that when you live here you can get car license tabs from South Dakota through the mail. It looks as if all of South Dakota is here along with Canadians but the mail-in tab thing and the low cost is the answer.

We are talking to many people about where they live and how long they stay. We are full of questions and everyone is so helpful with information and suggestions. We visited the American Legion in Chapala and met a woman who works there and gave us all kinds of good info. The American Legion has many activities throughout each month and a monthly publication.

We really, really are enjoying the weather here! The birds are so beautiful and there are very few pesty bugs like mosquitos and flies.

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