Monday, February 2, 2009

Odds and Ends

It is very easy to be busy all of the time here. But I wanted to take some time and note some of the different and interesting (to me) stuff.
Imagine a place where you had no furnace or airconditioning in your house. That would save a few dollars.
Now imagine a little city with narrow streets made of cobblestones and there are no stop signs at any corners or intersections. Tonnage wins but also just courtesy is used in order not to dent your car..
One other thing that has been interesting to me is the lack of panhandlers. We haven't seen that here or even the ever present sales people. There are a few salespeople but not like the ocean resorts.
Okay, another sight that I thought was interesting was an "outing" for what looked like mental patients. There were about 20 people and about 5 or 6 caretakers and they were in the park in Chapala. They seemed tobe having a good time and to be well taken care of.
Here we have a picture of Pete using the lap pool at our casita. It was cold so he was in a hurry to get out.

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