Sunday, April 3, 2011


Art Auction at Hotel Neuvo Pasada. We went to the Art Auction at the Neuvo Pasada. It was a dinner and auction with Efren being the auctioneer. Great fun and fine food. The proceeds went to a good cause - an Easter production by children of Ajijic. There were about 40 pieces. Great prices too.

The Leather Guy - I have been taking friends to this leather shop because he does a great job on special orders for purses etc and his prices are right. This trip my friends bought at least 3 bags from him - some with special features, also belts. Then I took a friend there to order a couple of small leather bags that hang around the neck - for passport and id etc. I have one. It took almost 2 weeks to get them made and we must have gone back 5 times after he said, "I forgot come back at 6pm" more than once. We did get them and they are great but what a runaround - was it because it was a different style? Was it because he didn't have the zippers? He didn't say. It couldn't have been the color of my friends skin or the fact that he was a you think? Anyway, the price was right. I guess I might continue to recommend him. But I might forget also.

The Malecon - Ajijic has the most lovely malecon. Mornings are great for those people who get up early and insist upon exercising. Evenings are my time, especially when all of the families and children are there. Also the young lovers. As we were walking a few days ago, we stopped to watch two egrets doing a mating dance. They were so beautiful with their top knots all fluffed up. The same day we saw some yellow birds doing the same thing. It must be spring here in paradise.

The Lakeside Little Theater - So we thought we would eat dinner at the Hotel Casa Blanca. French food - very good. Then we walked to the square and caught a taxi to the Little Theater in San Antonio. The production was "The Foreigner". I must say that it was very well done and very funny. Many of the people involved in the theater are retired professionals or people who have had a bit of experience (Duh) and so the sets, production, direction and acting are excellent.

We thought we would be able to get a bus and indeed there was a bus stop but, we waited about 15 minutes and decided to walk home in the dark. Well, no sidewalks, cobble stones and very little light plus it was a long way (relatively). A bus went by, of course. We made it - no sprained ankles or scrapes.

The Rythum of the days

Experimenting with the fresh food

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