Sunday, April 3, 2011


Look at the photo. Does that look like Mexican architecture? It looks very alpine - because it is alpine. Mazamitla is located in the mountains south of Chapala at an elevation of about 7200 feet which is about 2200 feet higher than Ajijic.


We took a day trip from Ajijic, stopping by a wonderful little city by the name of Manzanilla de la Paz. That city was surprising all around. Bustling with activity. A beautiful square and church but ... the most interesting aspect to me was the people. Many were very light skinned and with light hair. The men were taller than I had seen in other villages with broad shoulders. It was striking and very noticeable. I only wish that I could have talked with some of them or that our guide had known more about these people. There are beautiful people all over Mexico and these were no exception.

We learned the names of two of the largest trees - Indian Laurel - and Zalate which can be confused with a Ficus but has some fig like fruits. They grow huge and get very old. Okay, Mazamitla - The guide drove the car way up the mountain. Most of the roads were good, some places a little bumpy. At one point we got out and walked among the evergreen trees. There are three different kinds of pine trees and the air there was fragent with pine.

Around the beautiful town square were buildings made of wood, two stories with balconies that gave them an alpine (think Leavenworth, WA) look. Very surprising. Interesting too, were all of the children who were either getting out of school or going to school, who were all bundled up! We were very warm and sitting in the shade. Obviously, these people are used to extreme heat in the summer and cold in the winter. One of the young girls in her school uniform of a short skirt and high socks and sweater was almost as tall as Pete. Again very attractive people and a town that is obviously prosperous.

We (some of us) slept on the ride back but we sure enjoyed our tour.

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