Friday, February 1, 2013


     We have walked this malecon before but every time it is different.  It has always been clean even though it is well used by gringos and families.  The walk is about a mile, I guess, about six people wide, decorated with inlaid stones and evenly paved.  Evenly paved is important here because most sidewalks are anything but even.  Watch your step!
      Even when there are many people along the way or in the parks which are on the side, it is such a relaxing stroll.  The lake side of the malecon is a view of the beautiful, very large, peaceful water with the mountains in the far distance.  Way on the other side is where they grow a lot of your strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.  "Driscoll"(sp) has muy grande farms which are visible even miles away because they have white coverings on the plants.
      Of course, if it is exercise you want, go early in the morning and run or fast walk to your hearts content.  I'm over that.  I like to stop and look at the pelicans, egrets and cranes all fishing for their dinner.  Diving and swooping.  Cranes and egrets prancing along with great dignity.
     In the evening, families gather in the park areas and have dinner while the children play on the equipment or just dance to the music.  There is an elaborate skate board area for the older boys and girls, also a small basketball court.  There are many benches along the way to sit and either look at the lake or turn and watch the children.
     Last evening there were singers (loud speakers) who were very good and songs both in English and Spanish.  The Mayor of Ajijic spoke.  We think he said how proud he was that Ajijic was so clean .... and to keep it up.  Or something to that effect.  Then the policia whisked him away.
     Although we didn't see them in the evening yesterday, there are usually men and women selling peanuts and many other food items for you to snack on.


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