Saturday, January 24, 2009

dentist and bus

This is from Pete. I just back from getting a new crown. $5,200 pesos, which comes to just over $400 US at current exchange rate. Top notch dentist, extremely up-to-date technology, courteous and fast. So why not get something done as long as we are here anyway? By the way there are lots of dentists in Ajijic, but I already knew Dr. Haro, whose office is in Riberas del Pilar. I took the bus. We are giving a try to doing without a car, at least for the first few weeks. Walking has been fine for almost everything, but for over a mile or so the bus works fine and costs less than a dollar for most trips to nearby towns. The local markets have met our needs for now, and if an impulse arises the new Walmart is less than five minuteds away by bus.

So far we are having a little difficulty getting used to awaking to sun, a cool breeze, and vari-colored birds in our yard including hummingbirds sampling the flowers in our trees.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're making the adjustment to this new temporary lifestyle. $400 for a crown sounds like a bargain.
I envy you your hummingbirds. We see our Anna's hummer every few days but they're much bigger than the hummer I saw in P.V.
Elva, I'm enjoying reading both of your comments in your blog.

Anonymous said...

Pete, how great that you're writing this blog! I'll be checking it regularly to see how you're doing.

One of the things that surprised me when I was in Mexico--aside from the temperature, of course--was all the hummingbirds.

Hope you have a great time and that you get to practice your Spanish a lot.
