Friday, January 2, 2009

Learning to use a blog

We are now the proud owners of a tiny Acer net book and are trying to learn to use it and to learn how this blog thing works. So now that I'm on line (using my neighbors wi-fi) I need to learn to post to the blog. Then of course I need to find out how other people can read it while we are away. So that is what I am trying to do now. I need to find out about putting in photos too.


Patricia said...

what a great idea for constant travelers like yourself! Can you post photos to this? I still haven't figured out how to post to facebook. I've saved this in our favorite places so we can follow your adventures in Mexico.


Anonymous said...

Hey you two...Most impressive! Looks like you've found the perfect solution to NW winters. Very cold here with morning snow and frost. Central didn't get enough sign-ups for the oil painting class so we're bummed, but John's still grinning cuz his horns arrived today. More bird pics and art examples please. \
Vaya con Dios, Susan

Anonymous said...

I was supposed to be in that oil painting class too. Very disappointed to have it cancelled. I just learned that all lifetime learning classes will not be offered Spring quarter ... budget issues. There's still continuing education thankfully!