Wednesday, January 23, 2013


We really didn’t get an excellent cup of coffee for most of the trip including the ones we made and those we bought in the US. We didn’t manage to make a trip to Starbucks so were trying to do it ourselves.

This is a short story of the best/worst coffee ever and I guess this blog should be dedicated to Paul because he managed to “seem” to enjoy the worst coffee ever made.

Paul and I are coffee lovers. We search for the beans, get some flavored ones and brew it up. We both tried with little success to make a cup of strong but good coffee. Paul just about accomplished the goal in Green Valley. Not to be outdone, and to show my gratitude, I thought I would search for a coffee in the Mexican store and make a really good cup for him. I bought expensive already ground coffee and was delighted to invite JoAnn and Paul for coffee and cookies.

I prepared the brew in my “expert” manner, putting in the correct amount of water and coffee, maybe I added a little more just for good measure, and it smelled really, really good like only coffee can.

When we poured it however it was like black coffee syrup - really thick and strong - yuk. However, Paul managed to put in milk (and maybe a little water) and like a good sport drank some. Thanks Paul. My friend, JoAnn, missed the best/worst coffee, fortunately, because she drinks only decaf . Lucky JoAnn.

We finally got the best cup yet in Culiacan for breakfast and I think I have conquered this coffee and have made a good cup or two.

And, by the way, I finally read the package - ESPRESSO!!!

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