Friday, January 4, 2013


GOLF  - We did get to play a golf game in Yuma.  VERY windy but a sunny day and we had a good time. 

Now we are traveling in areas that we are not as familiar with.  Both of us love the desert but are still learning about the plants and animals and the geology.  

We left from Yuma this morning and drove to Gila Bend.  Along the way in what seemed to me to be unfriendly desert we came to a section with that terrible cattle o d o r.  (You know what I mean.)  Thousands of animals standing in long rows and convincing me NOT to eat beef that has been raised standing on their own s...tuff.  How can I find out?  To be solved later.  

Drove on to Ajo, Arizona, a very small place which used to mine copper and now is mostly a place for artists and desert adventurers.  Also the last place to find a motel before Mexico.  You can get insurance here of course for your car.  We stopped at Cabeza Priata Nature Reserve just outside of Ajo and took a walk in the desert.  Left and drove a few miles into Ajo to see the restored Plaza.  Just like a lot of this part of Arizona it is struggling for businesses but this plaza is actually very beautiful and will be an attraction when it is fully restored.  


Driving on we stopped at  the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument which was a nice short walk and a drive through the desert.  We were a little late in the evening but the photos were great.  These parks are manned by the friendliest personnel.  Very knowledgeable.  I love the colors of the rugged mountains and the blue of the sky.  At this time the desert is not very colorful  and I am facinated by the survival techniques of the plants and animals. And the Pupfish, which live in 130 degree water only at one hot spring in the preserve area.

The motel we are staying in tonight is a lot of little cottages.  A little bit rustic.  Met some interesting women who drove dune buggies all the way across the dunes and desert  from Yuma to Ajo.  It was late so I didn't ask for a sample ride.  I do know that if my daughter-in-law were here she would have not missed the opportunity. 

We don't yet know where we will head for tomorrow so ....... more later. 

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