Thursday, January 31, 2013


Stephen and Cuquis
      Sunday, we drove from Mazatlan to Guadalajara.  Five hours - really not a bad drive at all.  With our friend, Stephen, along we had a great navigator riding shotgun.  The only tricky part is when we arrived near Guadalajara.  It is such a large city and there are no freeways or such through this old city with off ramps and such so the streets are intertwined.  That is how it seemed to us anyway.
     We arrived just in time for comiida with our friend Cuquis' family.  Yum yum  How lucky can you be.  Cuquis is Stephen's wife and her family is so welcoming and warm.  I have a new fresh appetizer recipe that I will certainly make when I have an opportunity.   It takes a lot of chopping and dicing in very small pieces - jicama, cucumber, miniature pieces of fresh pineapple and lime juice and a little salt - sprinkle with red pepper when serving.  Loved it.
     We were fortunate to stay with Stephen and Cuquis for two nights.  OMG they have the most beautiful house and garden. Strangely believe it - they live in a section of Guad which is called Zapopan and in Zapopan the section they live in is called Seattle.  How about that?    
     Our dinner that evening was on Mexican time about 8 or so, can't remember the name of the restaurant right now but the food was delicious. 
     The next morning we had a delicious breakfast in a french restaurant,"OUI".  While we were there our car was washed by a fellow who had been to Seattle, Portland, Yakima etc.  Our license plate is proving to be an asset.
     Cuquis gave us a tour of her business. She sells all kinds of things, clothes, candles, bibles and all sorts of things for Catholic ceremonies from baptisms to 15 year celebrations.  It is a thriving business and Cuquis is an excellent businesswoman.  I admire her very much.
     I was able to buy some paint pigments in that area of downtown.  I hope to find a wholesaler.  Well, maybe next time.
      We took off from downtown Guadalajara with some directions from Cuquis and my programing the GPS.  We didn't know if we could find our way out of Guadalajara or not but alas we did and made it all the way to Ajijic easy peezey.

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