Saturday, September 6, 2014


Planning and thinking about this trip seemed to take a very long time. Many of our friends, especiallly Pete's friends, said we were insane to do this - at our age. Well, we did take those comments and more into consideration along with on and off aches and pains, but we decided this was doable and probably the next to the last road trip of its kind. (We have another planned.) We began on Monday, Sept 1st from Seattle. The Interstates were practically empty and so the going was good. Around 2pm at Baker City, Oregon we did run into traffic and road work. We stopped early in Ontario, Oregon. The scenery to this point was beautiful but familiar. Lots of large farms, wheat, corn, grapes and so forth. The skies clear blue and beautiful. On Tuesday as we went through Salt Lake City, I noticed miles of bad air. Layer after layer of smog or something. Such a disappointment to see so much pollution in such a gorgeous area. The next day was spectacular scenery to Moab, Utah. Unbelievable rock formations, rocks, huge mesa's of varied colors. I loved the colors in the ground coverings - every imaginable shade and tint of green and gold. Pete did have some back pain but not bad just irritating that he couldn't bend down with the same agility as he was used to. It is better now. A very good samaratan in Gallop,NM heard Pete speaking to Tom on the phone and insisted upon giving Pete a brand new back support for his seat. (He isn't sure that it helped but maybe it did and if we have a chance we will give it to some other traveler.) Yesterday, Thursday, we reached Ruidoso, NM and our condo for a week. It is located high up in the mountains and has bears residing in the area. Yes, it is beautiful and not too hot. There has been some rain here and it is DRAMATIC. Lightening strikes in the mountains and flash floods to be watched for. The skies are amazing!!!! Humongous billowy white clouds hanging over the mountains and above them darker storm clouds. We saw many, many beautiful horses and lots of cattle that looked sleek and happy grazing on open range. Tomorrow we will play 9 holes of golf and see how it goes. We do need the exercise. While we are in this area we will visit as many of the local sights as possible. Today we went to the Casino and gave them about $20 but didn't enjoy it so much because the 1cent machines are fake and you still have to play 50 cents. I don't like that and besides even with the air filtering that they had it still was a bit smokey. I am trying to insert a photo or two but the internet is slow. Later.....

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