Saturday, September 20, 2014


Yes, what a day!!!
Just what it says up there.
We actually left from Louisianna and ate breakfast in Mississippi - somewhere - then drove thru to Alabama where we GOT GAS FOR $2.96 PER GALLON. Nice low east coast price.

We drove on straight thru Alabama (short coast line) trying to find NPR because other than very tall, very abundant billboards, the highway was straight and miles and miles of piney woods and swamps. Hey, it was pretty but lots of it.

Pensacola, Florida is just across the line from Alabama and Pete lived there from the time he was 6 months until 4 or 5 so he wanted to visit the Naval Aviation Museum. We spent some time there looking at the planes his father flew and imagining his father being a flight instructor from 1934 until 1940. Pete has vague memories of the later years, when he was 3 to 5, of times with his mother, father and baby sister. After a nice walk around, we returned to the car and thought we would stay on the back roads to Panama City because we had lots of time, right? But we got tired of the traffic and stop lights and headed back to I10. But before we did, we stopped for lunch at Arby's - not so good.

Pete is determined to fulfill his goal of driving the entirety of Interstate 10. We seemed to cover a lot of miles in a short time. Stopped in Tallahassee for the night where we were lucky to get a room since there will be a big football game today. Clemson vs FSU. Everyone was reved. We have been staying in Sleep Inns and find them excellent and priced right. We had dinner in Florida too at Waffle House and that wasn't bad if you made the right choices.

Had really good wifi service last night and again tonight making it a lot less frustrating to write and check up on things.

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