Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Elva, JoAnn and Paul at Mayan Palace

Pete looking for his ball
The wind is blowing and it just happens to be the coldest weather southern Arizona and this part of Mexico has experienced in years. The government of Sonora closed all of the schools in the state yesterday because of the cold. Many schools don´t have heat and the children walk to school usually so it was just too cold for these people. This is a beautiful place and the sun is shinning. There are thousands of pelicans lined up on the shore just waiting for the fish to come to them and they do. Then the pelicans take off and dive and eat to their hearts content. The beach is clean with millions of beautiful shells. I pick up a few. Things are expensive. This Mayan Palace has exactly 18 rooms occupied at this time. Not high season to be sure. The town of Rocky Point is about a half hour drive and looks interesting. We grocery shopped there - should have bought long johns. We did play golf yesterday in the cold and the wind. It was actually fun after we got started and the course is beautiful and well kept up. We hope to play golf again on Thursday and will probably drive into town again tomorrow. I am unable to get on to facebook right now and can´t add photos but I plan on doing that later.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

you could have stayed here for cold and sunny weather! At least we've got heat! We missed you at book club last night. We had a great discussion of "The Madonnas of Leningrad".