Monday, February 2, 2015


Well, we used the last few days to slowly book the next phase, sit in the sun and scout out the lavanderia. Club Maeva is such an easy place to be. We love the families that checked in for a long weekend. We even had some fellow Americans here for a day. They live and work in the area. I don't know why the little girls seem so darling. I think it is because they start walking around wherever when they are very young, dressed up and out going.
SUNDAY - We admired all of the people young and not so young who came to the beach early in the morning to run, walk, bicycle or skate. There seems to be good attitudes toward exercise and we didn't see any overweight people. Very health conscious.
By the way, I ran out of my med for my arthritic back (I knew I would),so I went to a Farmacia and just asked for it. They had it, no problem. Cost for over a month approximately $12 US. Just about the same as I would have to copay with my insurance.
THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!! The hotel arranged to have it on their big screens and although it was announced in Spanish we followed it very well. We had some other people watching with is who felt sorry for us when that pass was intercepted. Oh well, .....

Next our road trip to Xilitla,

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