Friday, February 6, 2015


Our route today took up very close to the Gulf Coast again.  We could see the waves from the highway.  The way was dotted with seaside type hotels, spas, large homes and many restaurants.  Some very beautiful and grand homes at the seashore.

I won't say another thing about the roads, the pot holes, the highways, the topes or the unpaved roads.  It is what it is and today was better because we were on cuotas part of the way.So we saw our first good roads today.

Again we were astonished by the tons and tons of oranges and tangerines.  We saw banana farms and I noticed that the stalks of bananas are wrapped on the trees.  There were trees in bloom and I don't know what they were they were wild but looked like a pink cherry blossom.  There were also yellow blossoms and white blossoms dotting the hills around.  The red flame tree was in bloom too. 

So we had a very easy drive today until we reached town.  Then again our GPS let us down and took us into the barrios because she didn't know where our hotel was.  So we did our trick and stopped and talked to some taxi drivers.  (They may have been a little barracho (drunk) but they finally understood what we wanted.)  All of them hopped in the taxi and we followed them back through the outlaying district into the centro where lo and behold there is a brand new HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS.  It wasn't on the GPS yet I guess.  Those few minutes of driving in the crowded narrow streets were the most tiring part but we made it.

Tomorrow we will take a cab to the museum and since we don't need a city tour we will see what is up for Sunday. 

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