Thursday, February 5, 2015


Yesterday was our longest and slowest drive yet. We were on the road for 8 hours. Maximum speed 45 mph but mostly slower because of the pot holes and the fact that some of the roads were not paved or paved with stones. It was not unusual to see a car coming head-on in our lane in order to escape the holes so we did that too. There are no direct routes from where we were to Poza Rica so up and down mountains, in and out of tiny towns which all have at least one Tope. Pete was once known as a driving fool (affectionately) and he is adding esteem in my book.
Nevertheless we were never bored. The small towns were active and had typical chickens, Pigs, dogs, cows, and burros munching just next to the road. People walk all the time everywhere. They sell all kinds of fruit and veggies and drinks from roadside stands. We were able to see children of all ages being walked to school and later picked up from school. Thereare lots of children and they are well cared for usually.
We really enjoyed the experience. Then when we finally arrived at Poza Rica, our wonderful GPS (Juanita) disappointed us because our hotel was so new it wasn't on the map. For about 15 minutes we followed the directions and then we resorted to our old trick (remember Joan) of asking a Taxi to lead us there. We were close but would never have found it.
LaQuinta, new and very plush for us. Nice choice if you ever come this way.

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