Tuesday, February 10, 2015


We had an excellent trip from Xalapa to Puebla. We were on cuotas (toll roads)the entire way until we were very close to the city. This time we found the hotel by asking questions and following directions. It wasn't easy because there are many one way streets and even though we were only a block or two away from it we had to go around the zocalo at least
twice before we found it and found a parking lot. When we first asked no one knew the hotel by name but at one point Pete got out of the car and asked a lovely young senorita and before you knew it there were 4 others of all ages and conditions (one had crutches) offering to help and pointing and having him repeat the directions they gave. Oh how I wish I had a video of that. So anyway we were a little concerned what had we booked?

We walked in to a lovely little coffee shop with many very large portrait paintings of composers. The reception desk was small with a beautiful young man who spoke English. He explained that our room was "Chopin" and that each of the rooms were named for composers of classical music. We were shown to our room which was very modern and he gave us an ipod of music to play. The halls are decorated with paintings on each floor and the rooms open up to several sitting rooms which are so beautiful. Pete was a happy camper.

The walk to the zocalo was only a block and a half of the most gorgeous architecture and beautiful colors of houses. The zocalo historico is large, all around are businesses and open air restaurants. It was filled with happy families. We walked thru one shopping area which reminded us of Brussels. Beautiful arcades with everything you would ever want to buy. And people watching is delightful.

There are many, many churches just in the historic center. We walked until I started complaining because I had not hydrated enough and the altitude is 7000 feet here even if it is flat. Altitude affects me probably because I was born below sea level (Washington,DC) or just maybe because I smoked. Maybe....

Our dinner was at a restaurant on the zocalo. I had mole pablono enchilades and Pete had a Huitlacoche (corn smut) pizza. He said it was delicious, my enchilades certainly were.

Pueblo was established in 1531 and has played a large role in the history of Mexico. We visited the home of Aguila Serdan. The casas de los hermanos Serdan which is where the 1910 revolution began. The Serdan brothers were supporters of the people who were against the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship. The house still has the holes in the inside and outside walls showing the massive fight that went on.

On one of our walks, we were accosted by 6 young girls and asked if we spoke English. This is, I think, the second or third time this has happened. I wonder how they know. Anyway, we had a good time answering questions they asked in English - for their home work.

Off we went on a double decker tour bus....all over the area. Our tour was probably over an hour with earphone in English for me and Pete listened to the Spanish but they didn't charge anything. A nice service.

That deserved a good cup of coffee and since an establishment had been recommended by none other than our esteemed friends who preceded us here, we sought it out. Much deserved excellent coffee.

This is a wonderful city. Easy to get acquainted with. Lots of history. The buildings are magnificent and the people are so very beautiful and friendly.

(I wish I knew what is once again bugging my machine against uploading photos.)

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